On commencement of services you have agreed to these terms and conditions of sale.
Quotation Validity; All quotations are valid for 30 days from the date sent. This does not take into account manufacturers price list updates that may affect your quotation at the time of order. Our sales team are happy to advise you when new price lists are due should this be of concern. All costs relating to installation and commissioning will not be affected.
Payment; Supply and Installation Customers: 60% of the gross total detailed in your final quotation is required as a non-refundable deposit in order to proceed and book installation dates.
Cancellation or alteration of all orders can be subject to restocking charges of 20% for all standard goods specified. Bespoke goods are not refundable. However if a cancellation is made and is not due to any fault of the customer a full refund of the deposit amount will be given. Cancellation or alterations to orders where services have been booked and or carried out may be chargeable (please see cancellations below).
The entire balance is due payable on completion of your installation.
Supply Only Customers: 100% of the fireplace and components or accessories is due payable prior to placing an order. Cancellation or alteration of all orders can be subject to restocking charges of 20% for all goods specified. However if a cancellation is made and is not due to any fault of the customer a full refund will be given.
Gas Safe and HETAS certification are issued once the full balance of the order has been settled.
*When discounts are applied, some payments must be taken in full at time of order subject to specification.
All goods of the order are the property of The Fire House until all outstanding balances are paid.
Warranty; Manufacturer warranties vary please fill in and send back the required paperwork to the manufacturer to activate the warranty for the product when applicable. We advise that all working fireplaces & flues old & new, gas & solid fuel must be serviced and or swept at least once every 12 months (wood/coal fuels may require 1-2 sweeps per year depending on level of use). Failure to do so may result in the appliance becoming unsafe and faulty. When burning solid fuels i.e. wood please ensure you are using a good supply that complies with the manufacturers recommended associations and moisture content. Non-approved fuels and damp fuel can damage an appliance / flue liner and will invalidate your warranty. All Warranties & Guarantees are only valid once the balance of the order is paid.
Cancellations and Alterations; Under The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 you have the right to cancel this contract during a period of 14 calendar days
from the day this notice is sent or given to you. During that period if you choose to cancel the contract any money paid by you will be refunded. Please alert our sales team at the time of ordering if you wish to exercise this right and the necessary provisions can be made.
Due to the nature of our business on acceptance of your order (payment of deposit) you have given approval for the work to begin i.e goods to be ordered before the end of the cancellation period. You may be required to pay a 20% restocking fee on standard goods if cancelled within the 14 day period. This may also apply to alterations to goods ordered. Cancellation after this period is increasingly likely to result in the 20% restocking fee. There is no refund on bespoke goods if manufacture has started.
If you wish to cancel the contract you must do so in writing and deliver personally or send (which may be by electronic mail or post). The notice of cancellation is deemed to be served as soon as it is posted or in the case of an electronic communication from the day it is sent.
Uncompleted works; We require 48 hours’ notice if you would like to reschedule your installation dates. Failure to do so will result in a minimum expenses charge of £450.00 to cover costs of expenses and engineers the time where this could have been better utilised with more notice. Please ensure that you are ready for your fireplace to be installed and that our works coincide with any other scheduled works that you may have, we require clear access to the working areas inside and outside of the property, and gas supplies must be live when applicable. If we cannot complete due to any of the previous reasons a minimum expenses charge of £250.00 will be charged. If works are not completed within the time allocated due to unforeseen circumstances we will endeavor to complete at the soonest opportunity.
Surveying; the survey carried out is free of charge (subject to location), no obligation to advise and confirm what fireplace and flue type is required also what work will be involved to complete an installation in principle. We cannot take responsibility for unforeseen problems that might occur during installation. In the event of unforeseen problems that may occur during installation our installers can only advise what will be required to resolve the problem to complete our installation. We can confirm any additional time & monies required to complete on installation.
All existing chimneys; that are intended for use with a new appliance should be swept and tested prior to installation or order. Any chimney caps, unsuitable cowls or blockages should be removed at this time. The company will not be responsible for existing faults in the purchaser’s chimney, pot or stack due to previous construction or weathering. Any remedial works & costs required will be advised during, before or on completion of our installation. Smoke spillage tests can only be carried out once an installation is completed, and the appliance is functional.
Installation of Liners; when installing a liner using roof ladders the installation is weather permitted. In the event of bad weather such as extreme high winds, heavy rain snow/icy conditions we must reschedule the installation to the next available installation date which may cause a delay in completion. In some circumstances it is unsafe to use ladders to work at higher or difficult levels, we advise the hire of scaffolding or lift equipment to allow us safe access to complete works required. It is at the installer’s discretion to confirm if ladders are safe to use or if additional equipment will be required. We endeavour to install the liner with minimal disruption to the existing chimney stack. Chimneys of poor original design & construction may require holes to be made between the external stack to the ground floor fireplace so the flue liner required can be routed around sharp bends. Any holes opened into the stack will be re plastered ready for redecoration. In most circumstances the above events are highly unlikely and not common, but we cannot foresee the flues full construction until work commences.
Constructional hearths; Solid fuel appliances require constructional hearths that are usually present to the chimney construction, we cannot be held responsible for existing constructional hearths. Please ensure that your constructional hearth is sound of construction and no issues of damp are present. Damage or staining to the superimposed hearth that we supply will not be covered if caused by existing problems with Constructional hearths. We cannot take responsibility for damp as we are not qualified to identify damp or carry out remedial works required to resolve any issues.
Existing plasterwork; Old or existing plasterwork will be made good by our installers to a pre-decorated finish which will require a professional decorator to finish following our installation if required. When ‘making good’ an area of plasterwork on installation we can only take responsibility for a specific area to which we are working, usually 100mm beyond the new fireplace installed in all directions of the wall. In the event of unsound plasterwork that has become loose or unsound through age we can only advise that a professional plasterer is consulted for remedial works.
Gas supplies; when we are installing a new gas appliance to an old gas supply we cannot take responsibility for any faults or insufficient pressure from the existing supply. In circumstances of very old gas pipes that have been redundant or unconfirmed as live we advise that our gas engineer carries out an inspection to assess the supply before order or installation. Our gas connection for an existing supply is subject to the gas point being no more than 1 meter away.
Existing chimney stacks and terminals; we cannot be held responsible for the conditions of existing chimney stacks and terminals. Our works do not include the refurbishment, re-pointing or replacement of chimney stacks, pots and cement based works, unless we have quoted to do so.
We cannot confirm the condition of a chimney stack at the time of survey, if we identify a problem with an existing chimney stack and or terminal at the time of installation we can only advise what works should be carried out, and we can only carry out works quoted at this stage.
Cast iron and antique cast iron and goods; Imperfections of cast iron is part of the process of the material, in its natural state when polished it can become vulnerable to extreme temperatures from solid fuel fires and moisture, this will result in discolouration of the surface. Polished cast iron requires oil to protect & clean its finish. When purchasing from our antique stocks ensure you have thoroughly checked the product for any damages as they are very old and can be damaged from previous use, installation and removal. Some items are over 150 years old and this is part of their unique character and appearance. We cannot take responsibility for damages once the fireplace has been installed. Bowed surfaces and a tolerance of 2-4mm from given dimensions is acceptable for cast iron.
Natural Marble, Slate Stone and Wood; these natural materials can have unpredictable markings, graining, shades & colour. They can also have veining and lines, small open crevices and gaps. The material is checked and worked where required but the nature of the product is naturally formed and can vary from order to order. Bespoke orders cannot be exchanged or credited. A 2-4mm tolerance of given dimensions is acceptable for these materials due to manufacturing and installation.
Flooring and skirting boards; Installation does not include any making good/decorating to floorings or skirting boards, these amendments if required must be made following our installation, where special circumstances are required our surveyor can confirm what will be required. Existing carpets that will be remaining following our installation should be rolled back away from the fireplace area and re installed following our installation.
Complaints Policy; we always endeavour to provide the best service and products for our customers. However, on rare occasions, we recognise that there may be time where our customers may not be completely satisfied.
To ensure that we are able to put things right as soon as we can. Please read our complaints procedure below and we will respond promptly to ensure complete satisfaction.
As soon as possible after the completion of the works, please inspect the work to ensure everything has been carried out to our usual high standards.
In the unlikely event there is anything you are not completely satisfied with, please contact us within 7 days of your installation in order that we can rectify any problems as soon as possible. Either call us on +44(0)7885 107676, or write to us at Lower Ground Floor 11 Jew Street Brighton BN1 1UT, or email us at scott [at] and we aim to respond within 5 days of receiving your complaint and where possible, will provide you with a date to remedy any issues raised.
Privacy Policy; At The Fire House we are extremely proud of the work carried out by our highly skilled installation team. We occasionally take before and after installation photographs for training, demonstration and to build our online portfolio. We can assure you that only images of the fireplace will be used. If you have any objections to us using any imagery relating to your order please let our sales team know.
Company Details;
The Fire House: Lower Ground Floor 11 Jew Street Brighton, BN1 1UT and Thorparch Road London SW8 4RT